every idea writes its story.
Ideas are had every day. They sprout from our imagination, and the story grows just as we do.
Orlando Garza believes that silliness and sentiment go hand in hand. He writes his stories to bring back the familiar playful traits of whimsical characters and heartwarming stories that can be equally heart-rendering, found in classics like The Giving Tree and Amelia Bedelia. Orlando’s taking a page from the old book and adding a much more colorful twist.
There was only one question: What would capture the stories' playful and unique vision? The answer lay in the hands of his seven-year-old niece. Her talent for color and uncanny nature brought life to each character. Orlando knew she was meant to be the illustrator for his stories.
He was equally happy that kids could see themselves in her drawings. They would be familiar with the style and possibly give life to their imagination.
media kit
Click here if you’re looking for headshots (and testimonials and other articles written about Orlando).